CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (2024)

Updated: 01/02/2021, 17:00 CET

Crusader Kings 3: Royal Court FAQ

Get ready for our first expansion: the Royal Court. Immerse yourself in the life of a medieval ruler!
How will you rule when your subjects come to you with their complaints? Building the grandest court in the world may please your vassals and attract interesting people, but it also gives your complaining courtiers a place to find you. Make decisions that will smooth the troubled waters in your kingdom, while impressing visitors with your collection of masterpieces and relics.
The Royal Court expansion to Crusader Kings III adds new ways to interact with the characters in your kingdom or empire, as well as major changes to the cultural system of the game, adding greater dynamism and historical fluidity.

In this thread, we will add the recurrent Questions from the Community, and the Answers from our developers.
Keep your eyes peeled, this thread will be regularly updated with our Dev Diaries, Q/A, and other communications!

means the Q&A is a recent addition to the FAQ.
▲ Questions
► Answers

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Topic Index, with links to threads

  • General Questions
  • The Vision
  • The Royal Court
  • Cultures are Forever
  • One Culture is no Enough
  • A Fresh Coat of Paint
  • All Cultural Ethoses & Traditions
  • A View to a Map
  • Inspiration Never Dies
  • Throne Room Artifacts
  • More Facts about Artifacts
  • A Coat of Arms of Your Own
  • Holding Court
  • Serving On Her Majesty's Court
  • Petitions and Homage
  • Court Events
  • Languages
  • Audio
  • Languages
  • Languages and Courts
  • Inventory System & Commission Artifacts
  • Interface
  • Court Type Content
  • Adventurers
  • Building a Court
  • Winter Teasers #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
  • An Artifact's Life
  • Under the Banner
  • Royal Modding
  • Achievements
  • Videos
  • Press & Articles Previews

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (1)

General Questions & Main Features

Can I already pre-order Crusader Kings III: Royal Court?
► The Expansion "Royal Court" is available on the Paradox Store & Steam for €29.99/$29.99/£26.99.

Any release date?
► February 8, 2022

What is coming with the Expansion "Royal Court"?
► The Expansion "Royal Court" (1.5) will include:

  • Throne Room
    • A visual 3D representation of your royal court will reflect all the accumulated majesty and prestige of your dynasty,
    • Accessible to Kings & Emperor levels,
    • Accessible to Feudal or Clan governements,
    • Royal court stylised for four Cultures,
    • Artifacts can be displayed in the court.
  • Hold Court
    • Interact with vassals and courtiers as they come to you with their problems, seeking a royal judgment.
  • Minor Titles
    • Free Feature with the Royal Court expansion.
    • Minor Titles such as Antiquarian, Seneschal, Food Taster, Court Tutor, Keeper of the Swans or Court Jester. All of these will have more effects than the minor titles from CK2 so you can expect interesting new possibilities thanks to these paid characters appointed with a Minor Title.
  • Grandeur
    • Increase the quality of life at your court with fancier trappings and better food, all the better to impress your rivals and attract higher quality guests,
    • A new level ranging from 0 to 100,
    • Other characters will be expecting a certain level of Grandeur from you depending on factors like the size of your realm,
    • You can exceed or hit below expectations. Both results will have consequences,
    • Grandeur is increased by many actions like spending gold to purchase amenities, ensure your courtiers & guests have everything they need, etc...,
    • Reaching levels of Grandeur will unlock special actions.
  • Inspired People
    • Talented artists, craftspeople like Smiths, Weavers, Jewelers, Scholars,etc; And thinkers can work on new projects, adding treasures and artifacts to your court,
    • Inspired Guests can visit your court and ask for your patronage,
    • There are different kind of inspirations
  • Artifacts
    • Free feature coming with the Royal Court expansion.
    • Inspiration from NPC to build higher quality artifacts is a Paid feature, which serves as an important way to acquire Artifacts in The Royal Court (especially Court Artifacts). However, even without owning the DLC, we will have multiple ways to acquire Artifacts with the launch of the accompanying patch.
    • Artifacts can be added to your inventory and even displayed on your characters or in your court,
    • These can be passed down through generations, but they will lose their bonuses over time,
    • They can be reforged or retired as heirloom thanks to an Antiquarian,
    • Artifacts will increase your Grandeur,
    • They can be stolen/lost, and retrieved thanks to claims/wars/duels/schemes,
    • There will be events around Artifacts.
  • Languages
    • Languages are based on cultures, and it is possible to learn these languages,
    • They can be learned from different Lifestyles and each of them will have different effects depending on the use you want to make of these languages,
    • Speaking a foreign character's language will halves the opinion penalty with these characters.
  • Cultures
    • Make the most of a multicultural realm, developing a new way of life that is specifically adapted to your population and geography,
    • Split from your traditional culture, adapting it into something new that better fits your aspirations,
    • Each Cultures have different levels of Acceptance towards each others. Two cultures will have the same Acceptance between them,
    • Cultures will consist of an Ethos, Traditions, and Pillars,
      • An Ethos defines a Culture; Such as Bellicose, Stoic, Inventive, Spiritual, or Courtly. These will have a wide range of niche effects that will afect your day-to-day experience.
      • Traditions are bonuses your Culture has such as military bonuses under certain circ*mstances, more productive farms depending on geographical areas. A Culture can have up to 6 Traditions and you can pay Prestige to add Traditions to your culture (6 max) if you have free slots for them. AI will adopt Traditions that "naturally fit" their Culture.
      • Pillars lie between Ethoses & Traditions. They determine the style of your culture such as your clothes, your names and architectural style. It determines your Heritage.
    • It is possible to hybridise two cultures by spending Prestige. You will be able to choose its name, colour, Ethos, Traditions and Pillars. AI will also strive to Hybridize. As an example, the Seljuks will be likely to create a Turko-Persian Culture.
    • You will be able to break away from your current Culture. Culture Divergence costs Prestige and allows you to pick a new name, colour and Traditions. Culture will change at a slower pace than Faiths do - it’ll be gradual over time, tradition by tradition. Though sometimes larger shifts can occur due to isolation, or as the result of two different cultures intermingling.
  • And more features, free & paid!

We are also releasing a Free Update "Azure" 1.4 this Summer:

  • Modding Improvements

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (2)

The Vision - "Royal Court"

Read our Vision Statement for the upcoming Expansion "Royal Court".

▲ Will you be able to view the throne rooms of other rulers and not only your own?
► Of course you will be, how else are you going to know which artifact to steal or declare a war on?

More details will be shared with the community as we release our deep dive Dev Diaries!

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (3)

The Royal Court

Read our Dev Diary #61 - The Royal Court.

I'm assuming then there will be 5 court types, each ethos corresponding to one of the five skills?
► Each Ethos unlocks more than one Court Type, and the Court Types are (currently) based on the five skills thematically, yes. CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (4)
► We have five court types, corresponding with the five primary skills. Ethos on the other hand, we have a few more of. About seven or so. Each ethos unlock a court type that is somewhat "thematically appropriate" more than anything else.

▲ The spouse should also be present I hope, as being an important member.
► Your spouse will very often be shown, we think that it's a very thematically appropriate character to place close to the ruler. I believe the idea is to have them of their own throne next to your, at least in certain court styles where such a thing was common.

▲ Will the characters represented in your Throne Room be dynamically placed, or static? As in, will your Steward always stand in the same place in the same pose? Or is there variety to how characters are placed within the scene?
► Dynamic, we're aiming for variation. The exact details are not nailed down yet.
► While this is still a work in progress, they will be dynamic to an extent. It depends on what type of characters you'll have present in your court.

▲ I'm wondering what do the "Servants" do. What impact do they have on court members?
► There are some modifiers, and depending on the Amenity level certain Court Events might be affected.
▲ How inheritable is Grandeur? When a new King takes over, will they need to build up their Grandeur from scratch?
► We're actually discussing this internally! We're considering having it drop on succession, at least by a bit - making it so that you have to prove your worth as a new monarch.

▲ Does this mean that Amenities are an ongoing, monthly cost (like army maintanance) rather than a one-off "upgrade cost"?
► Yes, they're a type of maintenance. Amenities should be seen as a "long-term" investement for you to increase your grandeur over time. Though they do have a few additional effects as well.

Will artifacts only be accessible to rulers who have a court?
► Personal artifacts can be held by characters, only the court artifacts are for the kings and emperor with a royal court.

How will the royal court influence required hardware?
► Being able to see everyone and your artifacts etc is a big part of the immersion into the royal court that we want hence the 3d scene instead of painted backgrounds. We are well aware of the performance implications and will be aiming to make sure it can run fine across our minimum and recommended hardwares, with some reduction of number of things on screen etc if required for the min specs like the options we already have for them.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (5)

Cultures Are Forever

Read our Dev Diary #64 - Cultures are Forever.

▲ Will every culture receive unique traditions, or is it only a select few?
► We have a fair amount of both widely available traditions, as well as unique traditions.

▲ Are Men at Arms types which were locked behind innovations now tied to tradition?
► Some are culture specific, others are for a heritage. Most cultures will have a healthy mix of both.

▲ Will it be possible for a culture to have more than one designated language?
► We wanted to keep the language feature fairly simple for now, so a culture will only have a single language.

▲ Will it be more difficult to convert to a different culture? Do I need to learn the language first before I can convert? Will counties be easier/harder to convert based on similarity?
► You won't have to first learn the language in order to convert, but we could probably add a converstion cost bonus (or something similar) if you do.

▲ How will this affect Communal Identity?
► Communal Identity should remain largely unaffected and retain the effects it has on conversion and promote culture.

▲ Will some innovations be changed into traditions or pillars?
► Yes. Most of the Men-at-Arms traditions have been converted into traditions. Those innovations were mostly framed around a "cultural" theme anyway, so it made a lot of sense to move them over to the new system.

▲ How does it affect the culture creation decisions and events like the Norse culture split, the Norman culture creation, or Outremer
► You'll still be able to adopt new cultures like this. We'll go into further details when we talk more about culture creation.

▲ How many traditions are there going to be, total?
► We have well over a hundred at the moment, but we'll have to wait and see how many we'll actually end up with!

▲ Looks very promising, although I'm a bit hesitant about balancing and power creep, as a synergized Culture and Religion could result in some pretty ridicolous combinations. And this isn't even taking into accounts the bonuses gained from a court and artifacs.
► A well warranted concern. While we do have traditions that do provide you with bonuses, our approach has been to focus on adding variety and making things feel different when playing as different cultures. Some traditions might give you niche bonuses that won't always be useful, or give you a bonus at the cost of something else, forcing you to a trade off. With that said, we'll keep balance in mind to avoid blatant stat inflation and power creep.

▲ There are currently lifestyle bonuses that decrease the cost of reforming faith. Will cultures get something similar?
► We might have a tradition or two that may or may not affect things such as creating or reforming a faith...

▲ Will views of gender of faiths still be a thing?
► The different doctrines remains unchanged, outside of the main gender doctrine. Which, as mentioned in the DD, no longer affects who can be a knight or commander.

▲ Will having a male only Martial culture prevent the AI from picking martial education for girls?
► As far as I know, it won't affect the AI for picking education. Might be something to consider though, but I would never want to block it completely.

▲ Will the Spiritual Ethos give a control growth modifier to all counties, or only "same faith" counties?
► This modifier in question is added to a character, so you will always be able to benefit from it.

▲ Will you be able to create a ruler with a unique culture?
► You won't be able to create a new culture directly in the Ruler Designer.

▲ Will the Spiritual Ethos give a control growth modifier to all counties, or only "same faith" counties?
► This

▲ Will the Spiritual Ethos give a control growth modifier to all counties, or only "same faith" counties?
► This

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (6)

One Culture is not Enough

Read our Dev Diary #65 - One Culture is not Enough.

▲ How does this work with historical cultures such as English? Are the Norse cultural split and the formation of Norman culture using these new mechanics?
► The existing decisions and events to form specific cultures, such as English, Sicilian, the Norse split, and so on, will still use the their respective event and/or decision. They are however, incorparated into the new system to be properly presented as being a hybrid or divergent culture. When created, they still draw from the scripted culture in the database to give you the same preset with pillars and traditions.

And Outremer?
► Outremer on the other hand, is a bit different. We haven't quite settled on how we want to handle it at the moment, so I can't give you a definitive answer on that yet.

Is there going to be a separate Language mapmode?
Maybe. It's something we have on our wishlist, but we'll have to see if it's something we actually have the time for. So I cannot promise anything at the moment.

Do you need to be an independent ruler to diverge/hybridize?
► You do not! Even vassals may diverge or form a hybrid if they fulfill the conditions to do so.

Is it possible to change culture pillars in script? As in have a ruler change the language of his culture?
► Yes! We have several new triggers and effects for checking and changing both pillars and traditions.

When you hybridize clthing, will a character of that hybrid culture wear either clothing A or clothing B or will it be mixed and matched within one character? Will a Mashqiri-Swede for example wear a turban and a fur robe? Also, do hairstyles count as clothing in this system for simplicities sake? Are they affected by this too?
► For each "hybrid" option, character will use one of the two options. So clothing won't mix, but characters may have both. Same goes for CoAs.

Will Hybrids and divergent cultures get access to currently culturally unique decisions like Uniting Italy or Forming Greater Armenia
► All previous requirements that needed you to be a specific culture or culture group have been updated to accomodate the new system. For example, a decision might require you to have a certain heritage, or it might need you to be of that culture or have the culture as your historical parent culture.

Is there a mechanism to prevent two new cultures from having the same name / preventing multiple copies of the same combinaison?
► When a culture is created, we check to make sure that the name isn't used already. An example would be if you hold the kingdom of Poland and create a divergent culture. Normally, you would get a "Polish" culture, but since that exists already, we apply a prefix to create something like "Neo-Polish".

Will diverging lock the diverging culture out of hybridising immediately after / will hybridising lock the new culture out of immediately diverging?
► Yes. I don't think I mentioned it in the DD itself actually, but a culture has to reach a certain age before you are able to diverge it or hybridize it. This prevents newly established cultures from immediately forming another one.

Will we possibly finally see the Seljuks invade in the 867 scenario?
► Not as of this moment, sadly. It's on my wishlist for us to add in the future though!

When hybridizing or diverging a culture, it shows you have 100% cultural acceptance with the original culture(s). I'm assuming this is the starting acceptance and it will drop toward a lower baseline that is based on the differences between the cultures?
► Correct. Acceptance will decay naturally towards the baseline. It is possible to have enough positive modifiers in play to allow the acceptance level to stay at 100%, but that is unlikely to be very common.

Will some Hybrid cultures be present at the start?
► Yes. We have a number of existing cultures that we have set up as divergent or hybrid cultures. Norman is a great example, as it will start the game as a hybrid between Frankish and Norse. Or the Scandinavian cultures as having diverged from Norse.

More building artworks to represent the large amount of cultures would be nice.
► I agree! Sadly, we won't have any new additions this time around, but I'm sure we'll get around to adding more of them in the future.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (7)

A Fresh Coat of Paint

Read our Dev Diary #66 - A Fresh Coat of Paint

▲ But could you please add fields to enter the exact RGB values?
► That's a good suggestion! Not sure of any technical limitations, but perhaps something for us to look at, even if I can't promise anything.

▲ Will this be a free feature, or is it a part of Royal Court?
► Free! We tend to add these type of QoL features as a part of a patch
▲ When diverging or hybridizing cultures, would the AI choose a colour similar to the mother culture(s)'s, maybe even a mix or median of the two if a hybrid?
► The AI doesn't really pick a colour per se. It'll just use the default chosen on culture creation. The default colour, however, tends to be somewhat similar to the original culture, though there is a random factor involved.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (8)

All Cultural Ethoses & Traditions

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (11)

A View to a Map

Read our Dev Diary #67 - A View to a Map

▲ Will there be pre-Arabic Christian ME cultures?
We haven't added any new cultures other than the ones already mentioned in the DD.

▲ Do the Three Tamil Dynasties now follow Shaivism as they historically did?
▲ Like wise do the Pratiharas follow Vaishnavism?
Have been updating various things for the characters in the game as I come across them. This includes religion (and it includes geographic spread of religions as well - though this update won't be the one to revisit the somewhat overemphasized influence of Jainism in many counties).

I am curious why is the Bihari culture not included as being seperate from Bengali? Pala Empire came out of Bihar after all, and bengali culture was never that far west.
It is certainly possible to keep dividing many of the cultures further. What we tend to go by is both if it makes sense to do so at our start date(s) and if a culture is big enough to warrant its own culture. The threshold here is relatively high and a lot goes into considering if a culture qualifies to be split or not. I often find it helps to ask oneself how the cultures would differ (the traditions give good indication there) and how different people of culture x would consider someone from culture y to be. With many of these things this is a case by case consideration and it would likely be quite hard to arrive at a setup that everyone agrees with. On top of that there can also be gameplay considerations CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (12)

For Bihari: Currently Bihari might appear as a divergence from Bengali. It is true that the Pala Empire was based in both Bengal and Bihar, and I would say if anything to me that indicates that it makes sense for the cultures not to be split at our start - most of the power centers of the empire were in Bengal, as was its capital. Magadhi Prakrit and later their Apabhramsa would also be current in both cultures (but we do separate language from culture in this update so this is not in itself the reason to combine them).

That said I would also not consider the above setup necessarily final as is, as long as we keep working on the update there might be further changes. That's also what these diaries are for

▲ I noticed you did not show southern india's culture map. Is the area of Kerala still Tamil or does Malayalam now exist there?
As of now Malayali is not a starting culture, it can be created as a divergence from Tamil however. Again the difference between the two grew during the era so I think a divergence that happens at some point during a campaign is a better fit than having them separate at start (but it is certainly possible to argue otherwise as well).

▲ Why is the Gond language Telugu and not Gondi(which itself is just the largest of the god languages)?
Languages in the game tend to represent whole groups of languages (as you can see in the screenshot for Carantanian) and Telugu is something most of the Gond dynasties would have been able to understand. That said it might well be Gond needs to be its own language, this is not set in stone

Likewise why is the Malvi culture speaking Gujarati and not Malvi?
Malvi and Rajasthani are both speaking Old Gujarati / Gurjari, this is because at this point in time this language was current in all three regions. India more than many other regions in the game is a place where languages underwent quite a few changes in the timeline covered by the game.

Great DD but since we are talking about more accurate cultures. Are the "Russians" still one big blob? Or they split to others cultures as game progress (to for example Belorussians Ruthenians Muscovite ect) Like Norse dose ?
There is no guarantee that it will happen but we have added a number of possible divergence names for Russian culture for if a divergence happens in the game (Red Ruthenian, etc).

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (13)

Inspiration Never Dies

Read our Dev Diary #68 - Inspiration Never Dies

▲ Is it possible to fund more than one inspiration at a time?
As long as you have the gold for it, and inspired characters at your court, you are able to fund as many inspirations as you like.

▲ What are the artifact types for the other skills (diplo, int, stew)?
I don't think we actually use all the different skills for creating artifacts, such as the Intrigue at the moment for example. Some inspirations may use mutiple skills, while others only make use of a single skill. A weaver inspiration makes use of diplomacy, while weapons and armor both use martial and prowess.

▲ Will artifacts be 3D models?
It will depend on the artifact type. Certain artifacts will be shown in 3D.

▲ Can I still get inspired people to make artifacts for me if I am below king tier or tribal?
Inspired characters will only travel to the courts of kings and emperors, but as I mentioned in the DD, there are alternative ways of getting artifacts so that counts and dukes are able to procure artifacts as well.

▲ does the creator of the artifact have his/her name in the description or somewhere to note who was the creator?
Artifacts can have names on them, yes. It's a bit random, but some artifact may be named after its creator or after whom it was created for.

▲ Could I poach inspired characters from another realm by say offering them more money or using a hook on them
If you have the means of getting them to your court, you may indeed poach them and fund the inspiration yourself.

▲ I find it odd that if as a high Learning character I want to write a book, I have to look around for somebody who is inspired to write a book and pay them to do it? Or as a legendary warrior, I can't have my own idea of what type of sword I want, I have to randomly look around for a guy who is inspired to make a sword?
Inspirations are the primary way for you to get artifacts of a higher quality. We will have alternative methods of getting artifacts in general. This is still being worked on, however, so I can't go into details for how that will work quite yet.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (14)

Throne Room Artifacts

Read our Dev Diary #69 - Throne Room Artifacts

▲ Is there an artifact limit per ruler?
There is to my knowledge no limit to how many artifacts you can have in your inventory, however there is a limit to how many you can use at the same time, both on your person and in your Royal Court. Artifacts will only give bonuses if you have them equipped.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (15)

More Facts about Artifacts

Read our Dev Diary #70 - More Facts about Artifacts

▲ What is the progress bar that every artifact seems to have? A timer of some sort is obvious, but for what?
That represents the Artifact's durability. Artifacts lose durability over time, especially when worn or displayed, and can also be damaged in events such as sieges or duels. You can repair an Artifact's missing durability by paying gold to reforge it. The cost shouldn't be too burdensome, but it does incentivize selling off or giving away old Artifacts you're no longer using instead of just letting them accumulate in your treasury. As always, these values are under development and subject to change.

▲ What is the prowess range that a weapon can have?
Currently up to +9 for the absolute highest quality weapons. As I've mentioned before, however, all values are subject to change during development.

▲ You mentioned armor but there is no picture of it. Does it provide similar bonuses as weapons?
Similar bonuses, yes, but some differences. For example, armor reduces the chance of injury or death in battle.

▲ How does inventory system looks?
Not ready to show this off yet

▲ Are artifacts located in your primary holding or they magically teleport with character? Getting them through sieges seems to give impression of having permanent location?
Unequipped and displayed artifacts are presumed to stay in your capital, and can be looted in a siege. Worn artifacts are presumed to be carried on your person, and cannot be looted in a siege.

▲ Are Crowns associated with certain titles (by giving you claim) or are just cosmetic with mentioned buffs? Is it possible to connect it with certain KIngdom/Empire, at least through modding?
The team is currently investigating this

▲ Can you gift any artifact to anyone?

▲ Any thoughts on possibility of relics being used also to create a shrine on barony level or just aformentioned ones?
The Royal Court expansion focuses on your Court, rather than minor baronies, so this will not be included in the expansion

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (16)

A Coat of Arms of Your Own

Read our Dev Diary #71 - A Coat of Arms of Your Own

▲ Will the patterns, emblems and stuff be moddable?
Yep, any mod added patterns, layouts, or emblems will appear in the designer.

▲ Would it be possible to group emblems like in Stellaris? Groups like zoomorphic, inanimate objects, graphical or geometric. With being so spoiled for choice, I sometimes get overwhelmed and lost scrolling through all the options.
I believe one of the CDs were doing some sorting on that just yesterday. At least, I heard him complaining about ambiguity as to what to categorize some emblems as. Something along the lines of: "this goes into religion, culture, culture, birds, wtf, religion, wtf, wtf". I cannot say how that will work, however. It'd definitely be a nice thing to have given the sheer amount of emblems.

▲ Can we change title map color? in 1.5?
Yes, that is what the color picker on the far left is for.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (17)

Holding Court

Read our Dev Diary #72 - Holding Court

▲ Only 3 petitioners every time? Isn't a bit too low?
Seems like the perfect amount- anymore than 3 and eventually players will not use the function because it’s too tedious with too much clicking and reading to be enjoyable. That said, it's an adjustable tally, so if we wanted to increase the number, it's just a case of incrementing one value and the system should be fine.

▲ Can a king view other kings' courts? Your Abbasid screenshot is being viewed by a Christian character according to the piety icon in the upper right.
You can indeed! That's exactly what I'm doing here.

Can we please have customizable Forms of Address please? (king, queen, prince, duke, etc) Please?
Not for this DLC, I'm afraid. Maybe in future!

▲ Are some of these events regional or cultural?
Indeed! A few are tied to culture (generally via traditions) or else to specific regions of the map (elephants).

▲ The events will be interlinked with the Lifestyle mechanics? Or they are mostly independent?
Independent from lifestyles for the moment, I'm afraid.

▲ A few of these seem to be reactions to things you can do as a player like swear fealty. Will things like swearing fealty work normally on the player end or will the player somehow have to interract with the AI's court?
The Swear Fealty/Offer Vassalage interactions work normally, this is just a specific event that might fire when holding court if there's someone valid for the event.

▲ What do the three icons at the bottom mean? the Brackets, papers, checkmark and question mark.
Debug tools! Pay them no mind; they're only relevant if you're messing around in debug mode, which I was when I took these screenshots.

▲ One of the events mentions a saint. Are these just randomly generated or do they use some historical saints?
Randomly generated, for the moment. It's a local saint, rather than a part of a wider religious saints rework.

▲ Will there be a "hide controls" button like in the barbershop that way we can get pretty pictures?
I believe we have something in the works for this, though I can't give details/promises atm.

▲ Are those events moddable, can you create own events?
You can indeed!

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (18)

Serving On Her Majesty's Court

Read our Dev Diary #73 - Serving on Her Majesty's Court

▲ # of bodyguards is moddable, right?

▲ Given the increased number of powerful agents in possible hostile schemes, does that mean agent join chance is being rebalanced?
We haven't made any major changes to agents and their willingness to join, but it's something we'll have to keep an eye on.

▲ Are court positions moddable?
Of course! They should be very moddable, and you can add new positions or change the effects of existing positions very easily. The overall moddability should be fairly high.

▲ Can you appoint vassals ou just courtiers to these positions ?
Depends on the position. Some positions only allow landless characters to be appointed, while other may allow only landed characters, or both.

▲ Would appointing a vassal (or someone from a vassal's family) as court jester decrease their opinion of you ?
Yes, appointing a vassal as your jester is a sure way to make them feel insulted.

▲ Will there be a court poet?
We do have a court poet, yes!

▲ Will tribes/dukes have access to these positions even if they don't have a court.?
Court positions are available to everyone, regardless of government type or tier, but the actual positions you have access to may vary. As mentioned in the DD, some positions are unlocked by cultural traditions, others by being a king or emperor, etc.

▲ Wow, Jesters and Tasters, have quite high salaries; and the Gardener, he's living quite the good life! Particularly when compared to the Physician. I bet physicians would have a thing or say about the appreciation of healthcare.
Physicians ought to be paid fairly well in a realistic context, but gameplay trumphs realism here. We want all rulers to have a viable chance at being able to afford a physician, despite having a low income.

▲ Any chance we could get regent position too?
Not at this time. Regents is still something we want to look into in the future though.

▲ Does this mean that there are title specific positions? Do the electors of the HRE have special positions too?
Keeper of the Swans is the only title specific position we have at the moment.

▲ If the player gets appointed to one of these positions, do they get paid the salary? And if so does that stay true for multiplayer, if another player has appointed you?
Yes. You get paid for holding a court position just like everyone else. Even in multiplayer.

▲ Does salary scale with aptitude?
It does not. We do have some general scaling to keep the cost relevant in the mid to late game. But scaling it with aptitude, or as someone else suggested with rank, is certainly one way to make the cost a bit more dynamic. The cost is a work in progress and subject to change, so it's something we might look into!

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (19)

Petitions & Homage

Read our

▲ Does Transfer Claim mean your liege gives you one of their claims, or that your liege takes a title you have a claim on (that is owned by another of their vassals) and gives it to you?
Grant Claim is a liege's title, while Transfer is a fellow vassal's. Transfer also requires enough Authority to allow Title Revocation and will not exactly be received well by the vassal relieved of their title if granted

▲ Do traits affect the AI's decision on accepting/rejecting requests?
Personality, stress gain, and your relationship will all play a role.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (20)

Court Events

Read our Dev Diary #75 - Court Events

▲ Will there be any new poses?
We *do* have new poses, but I'm afraid I've been a bit selfish and not shown them off here. ^^' I suspect Art might prefer to be the ones to show of their gorgeous new animations.

▲ I welcome the chance to look at 3D character models more often. But the semi-bird's view is a bit weird, wouldn't mind a more conventional perspective.
► This is fair: perspective are all still somewhat WIP, and I expect we'll adjust at least a few a bit in future after player feedback. Naturally we're trying to get them as good as we can before release, though.

▲ I would love to see these type of events happening on the battlefield if you are leading your own troops!
It's a deliberate design decision not to have overt battlefield events pop up like this, since they get in the way of army movement and, especially in MP, they'd be an active nuisance.

▲ I really hope the duel screen could show a health bar or something else, thus making it a mini-game, I mean, like Pokemon.
^^' Yeah, eventually I'd like to see a more graphical solution for how we represent current status in duels. No plans for that for this release as far as I'm aware, I'm afraid.

▲ So how often do you interact with your vassals in court events?
Generally, court events are more focused on the people who are actually physically present in your court. Vassals aren't ruled out, but they tend to be included more if you'd see them mooching around the palace from time to time; councillors, powerful vassals, that type of thing. CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (21) I will say that us not providing content for interacting with courtiers or your family might worsen not feeling connected to them.

▲ Also, are there going to be game rulers involving the court mechanics? Will you be able to turn certain mechanics on and off? Could you, for example, keep artifacts while turning off the ability to hold court?
Artefacts are entirely too integral to be turned on or off via game rule, I'm afraid, and we've not plans make hold court optional via game rule. I don't believe we have any game rules for court mechanics at the moment.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (22)


Read our Dev Diary #76 - Royal Audio

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (23)


Read our Dev Diary #77 - Languages

▲ Has a Language map mode been added?
No, but it'd be nice... we'll consider adding it in the future (there might be more culture-related mapmodes we'd like to have, as well).

▲ Any chance that learning a foreign language can be integrated into the Ward mechanism?
Wards will have a chance of picking up the language of their guardian, yes.

▲ Are language families a thing? I'm thinking about getting bonuses if you already know a closely related language.
No, but if you try to learn the language of someone sharing your culture's heritage, you'll get a bonus. A lot of very similar languages are grouped together regardless (see the culture DevDiaries).

▲ Will we be able to create multilingual characters with the character creator by say selecting extra languages at a cost of points?
No, but good point. We'll make a note of it for the future!

▲ Can you please explain Language Pillars? What is a language pillar?
► Each Culture has a set of Pillars, and one of them is the Culture's Language. So for example, the Anglo-Saxon Culture has Anglic as their Language (Pillar).

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (24)

Languages & Court

Read our Dev Diary #78 - Taking Languages to Court

▲ I don't understand all that blank space in the maps. Not all languages will be available in-game?
► The map mode is for Court Languages, only a Royal Court will have one. The blank spaces are rulers who do not have a Royal Court.

▲ Will the court language be easier to learn ? Do we get a bonus ?
► Not directly as a bonus, but you can invite a linguist to help you learn it faster.

▲ Could it influence the AI to adpot the corresponding culture after a while?
► Since each language can be used by multiple cultures (and cultures are dynamic), there often no corresponding culture to adopt.

▲ Is there a way to promote that language other than blobbing?
► You promote your language by increasing your Court Grandeur. There are many ways, spending gold, acquiring artifacts. You don't necessarily have to have a large Realm to have high Grandeur.

▲ Will there be any advantages if you choose the language of the majority of your population(like adopting english after conqueting england as william the conqueror)?
► Yes, you gain more Grandeur from your Court Language if it is also used in Counties in your Realm.

▲ What about Latin?
► Latin was the language of the church in all of the catholic world and it has often been the language of the literate but it was not the language of the court in the way we represent. It is not the language a petitioner would speak to their liege in, and outside of potentially in some ceremonies it would not be used at court for day-to-day communication (though it could be said that many of the romance languages were still closer to their vulgar Latin roots).

▲ And the Indian languages?
► Similarly Sanskrit and Pali are not the court language anywhere (though a case could perhaps be made for Kashmir in one of the start dates). They were languages of the clergy and in some cases administration or culture but they are not what the court language feature covers CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (25)
What a Court language is more akin to how in the late middle ages Germany would be widely spoken at the Scandinavian courts, or the position held by the Persian language in the Indian subcontinent.

▲ What about Languages?
► Languages in the game generally represent a spectrum of dialects rather than one specific language, and generally with pretty high mutual intelligibility. For simplicities sake languages won't swap over time, if you speak High German in 1075 or in 890 you are expected to speak the language understood to the people alive at that time to be High German, even if today linguistically we use separate names to differentiate them CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (26)
Dividing the world into languages has naturally meant making some generalizations and design calls, very similar to when the world was divided into cultures in the first place. Most likely the setup will be revised a few times both before release and after.
► Research has gone into the court languages of the world, but I am sure there may be some that know more than we have been able to find out. If you think we've assigned the wrong court language to any particular realm I'd love to know more about that, as these assignments are not yet set in stone. What I would ask however is that you provide some reference to what you base your claim on.

▲ Will Papal States have royal court with latin language?
► Papal States have the Theocracy government so they do not have a Royal Court.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (27)

Update on Cultures

Read our Dev Diary #79 - Update on Cultures

▲ How common would reform be for the AI? Is it something only the player will end up doing ?
► This is mainly a player facing tool, meant to provide additional ways for you to shape your culture more freely. The AI will fill out empty tradition slots, but won't actively replace anything. Most of the time when it would make sense for the AI to replace something, we rather have new cultures appearing instead.

▲ Are there ways to reduce the cost of adding traditions, like with forming a new religion?
► Not in the same sense, no. All traditions have a number of various cost modifiers, meant to represent how "compatible" your culture is with any given tradition. The best way to have traditions be cheaper, is to try and make your culture fulfill the different requirements.

▲ Can we expect related events to fire during the establishment period? For example, I could see a crop failure occurring when your culture transitions from one farming technique/practice to another.
► That could certainly be a good source for some additional flavor, but no. We don't have any such events.

▲ Will some of the cultural aspects give us options to build new culture specific buildings?
► We do have a number of traditions that adds various modifiers to existing buildings, such as making coastal holdings more valuable, or certain buildings having additional bonuses in specific terrain types. New buildings, on the other hand, is more rare. I think we have one tradition that adds a completely new building, unless I'm forgetting some of the traditions.

▲ What does the bureaucratic ethos do? that does seem to be a new one that is added.
► We renamed the 'Inventive' ethos, to make it more widely applicable, but I think the effects are remains the same as before.

▲ What do all the various traditions do here? Some of these also seem new.
► I won't go into detail about all of the new ones, but here is one example.

▲ Will there be a gamerule which enables/disables the ability to create new cultures for the ai or at least a rule to change the frequency? I can imagine the ai spamming new cultures like they do with cadet branches.
► I think we have a reached a fairly decent balance in how often new cultures are created, but as always, it won't be to everyones liking. As outlined in a previous Dev Diary, we do have game rules pertain to exactly this. You can change how frequent both divergent and hybrid cultures should be, adjust the cooldown of how often new cultures can spin off into new cultures, or even turn them off completely if you want to.

▲ This looks fantastic! Could something like that be applied to faiths?
► No such plans at the moment.

▲ Will it be possible to rename cultures when reforming them? Sometimes, a player might want to rename his culture to reflect some in-game development, or alternatively, correct a typo he made while sloppily creating it in the first place.
► You cannot rename a culture when reforming it, no. Creating a divergent or a hybrid culture allows you to name it however you like though.

▲ Do you plan doing something relating to languages feedback? Will there be language groups?
► Languages already represent a wider array of things than just one specific language or dialect, adding another layer of abstraction over the top of that or adding more sub levels and properties like scripts as spoke about earlier in this thread is very much out of the scope of what a language in the game represents and impacts.
► The actual in game tooltip explains it pretty succinctly I feel. Language is one aspect of the culture system rework, it is not in of itself going to to have a system on a similar scale or multiple hierarchies applied in this culture rework. We have acted on various pieces of feedback with regards to some language names and suggested languages and areas as pieces of content in the system, but the system of languages itself will not be grown.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (28)

Inventory System & Commission Artifacts

Read our Dev Diary #80 - Is that a Dagger in your Pocket?

▲ How do you earn claims on artifacts?
► When someone dies, their Artifacts get inherited by their Heir. However, the Heir's siblings get personal Claims on those Artifacts. Also, if someone takes an Artifact from you (in a Siege for example), you also get a claim on it.
► If you hold an Artifact for long enough, your House also gets a claim on it. This works similarly to a personal claim, except that anyone in your House can take action in an attempt to take it back.

▲ Can we declare a war for an item ?
► You can declare war for items you have claims on.

▲ Will artifacts have cultural variations, e.g. making a tulwar in India as opposed to a zweihander in the HRE?
► When the items are used in Duels, you will see regional variations in their 3D models.
There's a lot of variation there, including the mentioned Tulwars. Name-wise they're referred to as swords, but they might use local materials in some cases (such as Wootz steel in india).

▲ Will there be mythological artifacts like Thor s hammer or ark of covenant etc.. ?
► Yes! They aren't magical though, and who knows how "genuine" they are...

▲ And yet the Reichskrone seems to lack a durability timer, despite being equipped. Does that mean that certain items can be used indefinitely?
► Some Artifacts do not decay over time, but can still get damaged in events, due to sieges and so on.

▲ Is history of Artifact moddable?
► The history of an Artifact that appears at the start of the game is moddable. Once the game starts of course, the history reflects what has happened to the Artifact during gameplay.

▲ Are equipped items represented graphically in the Character and/or Court? Like wearing a certain Crown would make the Character wear it in the Portrait.
► Only weapons have a 3D representation, but if you have a Crown displayed on a pedestal on your Court it will be visible in 3D.

▲ Can non king/emperor characters use this system and commission tools for personal use? I would love to role play with the system and not need to be a king or emperor to use it.
► Characters without a Royal Court (so Dukes for example) still have an inventory and can these kinds of Artifacts through commissioning them. They don't have access to the same quality of artisans though so they may not be as good quality in the end.

▲ Item deterioration in games is annoying in general, but here we will be forced to often equip and unequip items, like equip The Ring of Master Builder +7, pay for single building, unequip again. Micromanagement worse even than teleporting generals between battles in EU4. I'd very like to ask you to reconsider the system, or at least add some cooldowns and automation.
► A bit of clarification: As an Artifact you carry on your person gets worn out, it can be put on display in your Court. (Most) Inventory Artifacts deteriorate over time, but the Artifacts in your Court do not. However, you need to actually convert them into a Court Artifact, so you cannot swap them back and forth (so no micromanagement in this sense).

▲ What does happen if an artifact loses their whole durability?
► It is destroyed and removed from the game.

▲ What skills are useful for the antiquarian?
► Antiquarians are Court Positions so they can have multiple factors affecting how well they perform. As for antiquarians, it is primarily about their Learning Skill, but having made Artifacts themselves, or having certain traits like Administrator also helps.

▲ Are there any artifacts that can't be handled under certain conditions?
► There is support for limiting an Artifact depending on any kind of conditions. I don't know of that many examples (since its not always fun to block you from using stuff), but for example, I think the Essen Crown is only wearable if you are a child.

▲ Are artifacts partitioned, or do they all go to the primary heir?
► Artifacts go to the Primary Heir on succession. House Claims are still gained as long as they are held by the same character. I think it does not reset instantly if it is lost.

▲ If I steal an artifact during a siege, but lose the war, do I keep the artifact, or have to give it back as part of the peace deal like the way prisoners are released?
► You keep the Artifact.

▲ Can you demand artifacts you have a claim to from your vassals, similarly to how you can revoke titles you have a claim to?
► Yes, you can demand artifacts you have a claim on, it is just not very likely they will just give it away.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (29)


Read our Dev Diary #81 - Interface

▲ When in the court screen dealing with court events, I assume the game is paused (it looks like it in the screenshots) but how would it work in a multiplayer ? Would we have to pause for everybody or do we deal with he court events while the rest of the players do their thing ?
► The game will pause in single player when you open the royal court view, but continue while in MP.

▲ Court mechanics will not be available for tribal kingdoms?
► The Royal Court is only available for clan and feudal kingdoms and empires.

▲ Can the court types be added by mods? Also, how customizable is it?
► Court types are moddable, and they have their own script files for you to peruse and change.

▲ Grandeur Level 10 Effects
Click here, promise you won't get rick rolled ;p

▲ Could we see some of the benefits of going over court grandeur expectations?
Here is an example of when going above expectations:

▲ When you die, is your current court grandeur preserved? Or does your heir have to build it up again?
► On succession, you will lose some Grandeur, but you will not lose everything.

▲ Would it be possible to place the same object on multiple locations?
► Many Court Artifacts have multiple slots of their type. For example, there are 4 Pedestals, and you can choose where to place your Pedestal Item. Of course, the same Artifact cannot be in multiple slots at the same time, unless you hired Schrödinger in your Court.

▲ There seem to be 7 slots for court artifacts. Is this a flat limit, or can that be increased somehow?
► No, it only affects you if you are the Dynasty Head

▲ I see "inherited along with the kingdom of Pomerania" on that goblet, does that mean that artifact inheritance can be tied to inheritance of a specific title? or is it strictly related to being put on display in the court?
► There are a few more than 7 Slots (around 15), the 7 you can see are only those you have Artifacts for (you can see more slots in the image, but these are not shown as prominently since you don't have anything that fits in that slot)

▲ Can your unlanded hair get a courtier trait if he stays unladed in your court for 5 years? And if you place an unlanded courtier as Marshal or Steward he can still get the courtier trait right?
► Yes, some Artifacts can be inherited along with a Title.

▲ Are Courtier Traits mutually exclusive?
► Yes to both.

▲ My question would be how many diffrent visual styles there are. I mean not martial, diplomatic but rather cultural. In the images are two. A more european and a more african, arabian one. Do we get something special for the vikings?
► There are 4 main styles: Western, Mediterranean, Middle East, and Indian.

▲ if all these 3D courts destroy performance on older PCs, can we disable them without disabling the DLC itself? Are they a fundamental aspect of the game or just visual fluff? Will the artefact system work without everything having to be shown in 3D in every court?
► For the older computer, you can disable the animation of the Court Scene. This means that the game only renders one picture for a certain camera angle, which is then basically a still image. So you are really only sacrificing the animation of the character and props and the movement of the camera.

▲ When I click the button to go to my royal court, how long is the loading delay?
► It is instant (or near instant)

▲ So what exactly decides the expected court level?
► It is based on your Realm Size and if you are an Emperor or a King.

▲ Would you consider subsequently adding new visual styles with future flavour packs and expansions (e.g. a Moorish court visual style for Andalusian culture rulers included with any Andalusian flavour pack, or a special unique Byzantine imperial court room tied solely to the Byzantine Emperor title included with any Byzantine DLC)?
► We spent a fair bit of time on showing Characters in 3D scenes, so I would expect we would try to come up with even more ways in the future. Not sure about adding it to a Byzantine DLC since then you need 2 DLCs to access the feature and I don't know how we want to handle that.

▲ does the cost of court amenities scale with the number of courtiers (and maybe other factors)? This should prevent partially the end-game easiness.
► It scales with Realm Size and if you are a King or Emperor, and also what Era you have reached.

▲ Will Ai rulers summon players to their royal court?
► No, if you want to interact with your Liege you do it yourself via Petition Liege.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (30)

Court Type Content

Read our Dev Diary #82 - Court Type Content

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (31)


Read our Dev Diary #83 - Adventurers

▲ Do these unique artifacts provide the same bonus to any Cultural Heritage or Faith or are there any prerequisites?
► Artifacts can have a fallback effect that they provide to those who don't meet certain criteria. Mostly this is used for relics, they will generally provide one benefit if you have the right religion(s) and an alternative (often lesser) benefit if you don't but still want to put them on display.

▲ Will any purple tier artifact be equipable ?
► Most things adventurers will find will be court artifacts (a mythic sword is likely not that special when used as a sword but put on display and used in ceremony it has an impact) but not all of them are.
► Also purple only means illustrious and any artifact can be of that rarity if produced by sufficiently skilled inspired person CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (32) The frame on the artifact icon here is what indicates that it is something unique (see the difference between the skin of the bear of guelders and the ark of the covenant here).

▲ Should uniqueness for major artifacts be strictly enforced?
► Some are more unique than others CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (33)
► There are some relics that there can be multiple of, but here I have mostly focused on those that are rarer and have a bigger impact.

▲ Arks bonuses shown are still too powerful for non-abrahamic faith holder. Why his same faith pays more taxes, not Abrahamic vassals?
► Because when this screenshot was taken the support for displaying the alternate effects wasn't in yet CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (34)
► It is a bit older than the other screenshots in the thread since finding the ark is actually pretty hard. For rulers of a non Abrahamic religion the ark gives a flat Court Grandeur Bonus instead CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (35)

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (36)

Building a Court

Read our

▲ Can we have the option to have Big Heads characters into the game, like the images with the bugs ? CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (37)
► I have inquired about it, since I do have some fun memories of that mode in N64 Goldeneye, but no plans of it right now. Maybe I can challenge the character and tech leads to a duel for it in the future, slappers only!

▲ How many variations will we get per court type ?
► There are currently three court variants for each of the visual culture groups, with each of those having three grandeur level variations to them. Landing at a total of 12 variants, 36 counting grandeur variants. Part of the variation is also gained from the artifacts you chose to decorate your courts with, as some artifacts are hung on the walls or stand like furniture on the edges or on pedestals in the center.

▲ Do we get to decide which of the court styles we want? If no: What are the criteria for which one we will get?
► Visual style is based on various cultural and geographical triggers. A bit similar to how the game decides which holdings and units graphics to use. One way for the player to affect it - is to hybridize cultures and pick the desired visual style there. [Image]

▲ On the long-term design roadmap, are there any plans to have the characters walk?

► No plans for walking characters on the books right now i'm afraid.

▲ Why are grandeur variants so similar to each other? I can tell one from another only when I see both at once...
► It's a gradual change that happens to the court over time, and we decided to avoid going from luxurious down all the way to overly dilapidated/trashed. A King (or higher) would have some standards was the angle we took.

▲ Is the fireplace still on in the summer?
► The hearth is ever burning in the Kings court. Right now seasons aren't shown in the courts that are indoors, and we don't really model the day-night cycle in the game. But maybe that's something we can think about in the future even if its not planned at the moment.
► We don't have outdoor courts in Royal Court.

▲ Can we choose the specific variant of our court?
► No, specific variant is picked at random based on your capital location. If you want to try your luck, try moving it several times across different rulers.
► I realize it's not a very satisfying answer, but player customization is limited to placing artifacts. Making proper UI and mechanics for editing static room elements was simply too much for the scope of the expansion.

▲ How open is the whole thing to modding? Will it be hard to add new rooms for certain culture groups?
► Totally open. Add new culture themes based on triggers, add more variations within the culture. Scene configuration itself is in script files, that one can edit manually or with some debug tools

▲ Could you mod in variation choice similar to how the barbershop works for clothing? I assume it's scripted, not hardcoded?
► It might be possible with modding the culture theme selection, but not with the variant within the culture.

▲ So does this mean modders could tie a unique court scene to a title?
► Any interface trigger should work. You can take a look illustrations and their dynamic selection. All you can do there, is also possible for royal court.

▲ I know that after this DLC I will not be able to continue playing, I know it is impossible for my toaster to run so many graphics.
► That's not true. If you have character animations disabled, court room will become a static picture, rendered only once - when the view is opened.

▲ If character animation is enabled we will see characters doing animations?
► Of course. You get full spectrum of things: animated characters, special animations for some court roles, flickering and trembling lights from fireplaces, smooth camera transitions between points of view, optional slight idle camera panning.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (38)

Winter Teasers

Read our Teaser #1
Read our Teaser #2
Read our Teaser #3
Read our Teaser #4
Read our Teaser #5

▲ Can we mod the camera mode?
► Cameras are quite moddable, they can be set to appear in the dropdown list of the photo mode with a setting.
► Screenshots are saved to your Documents/ParadoxInteractive/Crusader Kings III folder

▲ I notice the Byzantine shield on the wall in one of the screenshots - will there be a possibility to display our custom coats of arms in our throne rooms?
► Shields as well as banners can have coat of arms applied to them, this includes custom coat of arms.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (39)

An Artifact's Life

Read our Dev Diary #85 - An Artifact's Life

▲ The artifact system looks great and seems to be a major upgrade from CK2 but will we see items from mythology return like Mjolnir? CK3 hasn't really introduced supernatural elements compared to CK2 like secret societies and those artifacts.
► There is no Mjölnir in the game CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (40)
► Some artifacts claimed to be items from legends can show up, like for instance Joyeuese and even the Ark of the Convenant (as was shown previously), but they are generally court artifacts and their effects are meant to reflect their reputation more than any true supernatural abilities.
► On a related topic, the same goes for blessed and cursed artifacts! And since I've been asked, I can confirm that the intervention of a holy figure, as suggested by the event above, can reassure your people about the non-cursed nature of a cursed artifact. Of course, they won't be successful every time... CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (41)
The modifiers reflect the fact that people will recognize the artifact and be intimidated or encouraged by its fame: for instance, they give fighting advantages.

▲ I think some artifacts are national treasures and shouldn't be tied to a dynasty. Like in CK2 the crowns of Byzantine and HRE were transfered to the next Emperor if I remeber correctly. I hope this is done for CK3 as well
► Of course! CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (42) At least for the Reichskrone; the situation with Byzantine crowns is historically more ambiguous because there never was A crown of the Emperor, but almost every emperor had one made for himself. While crowns of previous emperors could have been part of the imperial treasure, the loss of one to a direct heir would have hardly been felt like a big deal...

▲ Will most religions still get unique important artifacts ? Not asking for a working staff of Moses but unique artifacts give flavor to playing a certain faith.
► There should be a good spread of relics throughout the map, although "bigger" religions will have some more!

Is it normal that the first two male characters you show end up getting the adulter trait ? Is this related to artifact forging ?
The first one also got lover pox and rakkish... Is it that stressing to forge artifact ? Does having lovers increase chance to better artifiacts ?
► That's just me making some very bad choices while playing in a hurry to get screenshots CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (43)

▲ Does the repair price scale to the damage and/or artifact quality?
► Indeed it does for both! As you can see from the screenshot, I was pushing the interaction to show it, but the artifact was still in almost perfect conditions, so the price was very low.

▲► A bunch of answers in no particular order:
→ Inventory (= wearable) artifacts will be free, court artifacts will of course require a court (= DLC).
→ Artifacts won't give you a claim on a title (let's say you steal the Pope's tiara, no one will believe you are entitled to be the next Pope!) - however, characters can have claims on artifacts: personal claims (e.g. someone stole it from you, it is within your rights to claim it back!) and family claims (ok, your older brother inherited dad's Awesome Sword as his heir, but everyone knows that you were his favorite and deserved it instead!)
→ I know that the artifact naming mechanics don't sound very inspired, but we had to keep it simple and versatile to make it work with all the possible combinations of features! Anyway... You can rename your artifacts whatever you like! Go crazy with your Stabby Swords of Stabbiness and Cool Armors of Self-Righteousness!
→ I think we might have already mentioned that relics are religion-bound: nothing prevents your Christian ruler from showing off Buddha's tooth if they somehow come to own it, but you could hardly gain any piety or impress your clergy with something none of you believes to be holy!
→ We did touch up some DNAs, but calling it a rehaul is a bit over ambitious!
→ Yes, you can see other characters' inventory.
→ Yes, I know there are apostrophes missing in the screenshots. They apparently went on a strike but will be brought back to order asap.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (44)

Under the Banner

Read our Dev Diary #86 - Under the Banner

▲ Who else starts out with these artifacts at Game Start?
► Most courts won't start with something unique. Major courts that are known to have had certain artifacts start with them. Which artifacts and which courts differ depending on the start date but includes the Byzantine, Fatimid, Abbasid, Holy Roman and French courts of the top of my head.
Some lesser relics are also seeded on start in courts around the world for appropriate religions.
► Most unique court artifacts will find their way into a court from either being made or found by an adventurer during your game. Adventures is also how some of the unique starting artifacts might resurface if they are destroyed during a game.

▲ I do hope the "Banner of Thankfulness" is quite rare to get indeed, if not, it points to stats/bonuses creep and in the end an even more unbalanced game. Quite a powerful artifact to have!
► It’s a unique artifact that is owned by the Fatimid’s at start, as it was part of the Fatimid regalia in real life CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (45)
► The Fatimid court is not the only one with some pretty rare starting artifacts at the start of the game.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (46)

Royal Modding

Read our Dev Diary #87 - Royal Modding

▲ I wounder If its possibly for modders to make tribal Courts and tiny Courts for counts and dutchys
► Yes, it's possible

Gay mariages as a game rule is the best way of implementing it imo, doesn't affect those who don't want to play around with it, much easier to have it on in mp games (than if it was a mod). will the AI do it or just players ? Does it work with all mariage types (monogamy, polygamy, consorts etc) and How is it unlocked ?
► When the game rule is on the AI will also do it yeah, its enabled as changing the setup of the world. It should work with all other marriage types, it is integrated through the normal interactions for marriage and all partnership types.

▲ I suppose not as you'd otherwise have explicitely said it, but does it also apply to doctrine parameters?
► I don't believe so no

▲ Well, how about pregnancy? I mean a woman gets another pregnant (by mod, of course)
► No same-sex pregnancy currently, a lotttt of code and even more script makes very strong assumptions about parentage that would need a bigger pass to integrate it and not just lead to a lot of bug reports. But never say never though, I know folks on the team have looked at it before though hence why we saw it was a bit more of a challenge.

▲ Can we increase the number of Slots? Can we physically move the character slots?
► Yep you can add as many things as you want (well within reason I'm sure we'll run out of memory eventually) and these can all be done in the edtitor.
► You can move the character positions around and add more all with the editor too, and you can add new roles in the script files too for different logic of who fills them.
► Thrones are a bit special, and strictly limited to ruler and spouse. It's an unfortunate limitation, but there's already enough complexity with spawning right objects close to the right people, with right animations etc. Also remember that ruler throne gets a currently equipped court throne artifact, if it exists. If it helps, you're free to redefine ruler and spouse roles in any way you wish and let any 2 scripted people take the chairs/seats.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (47)


Read our Dev Diary #88 - Achievements

▲ How can we unlock Lingua Franca other than through World conquest?
► The AI will change their Court Language over time depending on various factors. I believe this was discussed in Dev Diary 78 on Court Languages.

CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (48)


CK3 "Royal Court" FAQ - Developer Diaries, Q&A & Important Information (49)

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